links.gif (6477 bytes)

AOA Internship registration program


National Residency Matching Program


AOA Opportunities Manual


Fellowship and Residency Interactive Electronic Database (FRIEDA)


Electronic Residency Application Service






ACGME (M.D. Accrediting body)


NSU-COM Student Gov't Page


NSU-COM Class of 2004


officialseal.jpg (38578 bytes)  Nova Southeastern University - College of Osteopathic Medicine

aoa_logo_jpg.JPG (8035 bytes) Important news and information from the AOA.

GIhead.gif (13338 bytes) The free hospital created by Patch Adams, M.D.

gregslinks.jpg (46074 bytes) The best Osteopathic Link page there is!

 medbooks.gif (4292 bytes)  The World's Largest Medical Bookstore

trauma.gif (3999 bytes) Interactive Trauma Patient Simulation

onet.gif (6584 bytes) Great Osteopathic Resource

osteocom.gif (3040 bytes) Another Great Osteopathic Resource

osteoring.gif (2977 bytes) Large Group of Osteopathic Sites

MedicalStudentComLogo.gif (6702 bytes) The name says it all!

medstudents.gif (1857 bytes) Great site...finally in English (not Portugese)!

ct_of_head.gif (71729 bytes) Radiologic Anatomy Browser from USUHS. Very cool site.

soma.gif (16383 bytes) National SOMA Page.

THCME.jpg (41373 bytes) Don't Miss This One!!! Great for Biochemistry.

amazonjpg.JPG (2762 bytes) Simply the best for books and music.

zdnet4.gif (755 bytes) Great resource for those into computers.

nih.gif (10684 bytes) NIH's HomePage.

wellness.gif (13141 bytes) A great site with tons of great resources.

consult.gif (6397 bytes) An incredible resource of clinical information. Use your NSU-COM username and password to enter.